RedMax NEW RedMax RZT61x zero turn mower Zero Turn Mower For Sale
- Price
- $6,499 USD
- Description
- New, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale
- Stock #
- Serial
- Store
- Windstar Equipment
- Address
- 18544 FM 1488 Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Magnolia, Texas 77354
- Phone
- 281 356-9633
- Cell
- 832-289-5406
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Status: On Yard
- Make: RedMax
- Model: NEW RedMax RZT61x zero turn mower
- NEW RedMax RZT61x zero turn mower for sale. Bringing the commercial focus to the farm and large estate, the RZTx is ready to handle the largest landowner’s mowing requirements. Developed from the commercial CZT, the RZTx cuts the large weekend chore into a quick operation. A robust selection in engine, drivetrain, decks and components deliver commercial-like capability at home. Perfectly balanced for superior traction, featured with standard roll-over protection and seat belts, difficult terrain is no problem for the landowner. Accessories for mulch, collection, and towing make the RZTx the versatile weekend work partner. Features 61" cut 10-gauge fabricated, 24hp Kawasaki motor, etc. Financing available with zero down. WAC. For more information call 832 289 5406. NO TEXT.