TYM NEW T754 diesel 75hp 4x4 tractor w/ loader Tractor For Sale
- Price
- $54,995 USD
- Description
- New, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale, DRIVE: N/A
- Stock #
- Serial
- Store
- Windstar Equipment
- Address
- 18544 FM 1488 Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Magnolia, Texas 77354
- Phone
- 281 356-9633
- Cell
- 832-289-5406
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Status: On Yard
- Make: TYM
- Model: NEW T754 diesel 75hp 4x4 tractor w/ loader
- Compact Tractor: No
- NEW TYM T754 diesel 75hp 4x4 tractor with front end loader for sale. The T754 lets you work faster so that you can get the work done. It also lets you slow down with a creeper option in the lowest gear when precision is more important than speed. The T754 has a Deutz 4-Cylinder Diesel Engine, Power Shuttle Transmission, 5,115 lb 3pt. Hitch Lift Capacity, Front end loader with 3,233 lb Capacity and skid steeer quick hitch, two standard rear remote valves, the T654 is equipped and ready to handle a various assortment of rear implements, Cab with ac heat and radio, selectable four wheel drive, power steering, etc. For more information call 832-289-5406. NO TEXT.