Econoline EW-450S Bale Wrapper For Sale
- Price
- $5,895 USD
- Description
- New, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale
- Stock #
- EQ-00160
- Serial
- Store
- Windstar Equipment
- Address
- 18544 FM 1488 Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Magnolia, Texas 77354
- Phone
- 281 356-9633
- Cell
- 832-289-5406
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Stock #: EQ-00160
- Status: On Yard
- Make: Econoline
- Model: EW-450S
- Too much rain? Try wrapping your hay with the Econo-Wrap Single Bale Wrapper. The Econo-wrap Bale Wrapper was designed with the average farmer in mind and is ideal for small scale hay producers. The 3pt. hitch stationary model EW-450S is for bales up to 4x5 and only require 1 tractor with 40hp and 1 operator. This wrapper hooks up to the 3pt. hitch and runs off of the aux. hydraulics. For more information call 832 289 5406