Loflin NEW Heavy Duty 60 & 72 skid steer hydraulic cutter Skid Steer Attachment For Sale
- Price
- Description
- New, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale
- Stock #
- Serial
- Store
- Windstar Equipment
- Address
- 18544 FM 1488 Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Magnolia, Texas 77354
- Phone
- 281 356-9633
- Cell
- 832-289-5406
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Status: On Yard
- Make: Loflin
- Model: NEW Heavy Duty 60 & 72 skid steer hydraulic cutter
- NEW Heavy Duty 60" & 72" skid steer hydraulic brush cutter for sale. The LF Brush Cutter is constructed of ¼” laser cut steel and is structurally reinforced to handle the toughest undergrowth and brush. The dualedge cutting blades are powered by a direct drive hydraulic motor with a pressure relief valve for smooth shutdown. No gearbox to go bad, no shear pins or drive clutches to replace. Our brush cutter is engineered for demanding conditions and rugged dependability. Move over rough ground and cut through heavy brush with ease. The open front design with push bar allows for faster removal of larger brush and shrubs. Available in 5 foot and 6 foot with low or high flow motor. Call 832 289 5406. NO TEXT.