Other 3pt 8' heavy duty brush hog mower SCL96 Mower Deck For Sale
- Price
- Description
- New, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale
- Stock #
- Serial
- Store
- Windstar Equipment
- Address
- 18544 FM 1488 Rd
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Magnolia, Texas 77354
- Phone
- 281 356-9633
- Cell
- 832-289-5406
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Status: On Yard
- Make: Other
- Model: 3pt 8' heavy duty brush hog mower SCL96
- NEW 3pt 8' heavy duty brush hog mower model SCL96 for sale. This cutter has a heavy series 5 drive line with slip clutch, front and rear chain guards, solid stump jumpers well constructed out of heavy gauge material, etc. Call 832 289 5406. NO TEXT